Sunlight crept into that musty, old room. My room, I suppose. I still wasn’t entirely sure. I laid in bed watching particles dance in the sunlight. They reminded me of the answers I so desperately sought – ephemeral. Fleeting. The torrent of questions from the day before began sweeping into my mind once again. Lying there would accomplish nothing.

I pulled myself up out of bed. I began scouting out the house. It still felt strange to call this place my home… It felt so vividly familiar, and yet… foreign. Most rooms were the same story – nothing of use with junk scattered out across the floor. It wasn’t until I began examining the kitchen that I came to a revelation… I hadn’t eaten anything. At all. Normally one would be starving after making a several mile long trek straight out of a coma, and yet… I wasn’t. I felt no hunger whatsoever. This was… concerning. However, I suppose it’s a good problem to have. One less thing to worry about.

I’m not sure how I would even go about procuring food right now anyway… I spent the rest of the day scouring the house for anything that might be of use. It’s odd. It felt as though the house was both deliberately emptied and suddenly abandoned at the same time. Clothing, toiletries, and other mundane items were plentiful, while items like photos, journals or anything else that would have offered a semblance of personal identification were removed. Frustrating. At least I was finally able to change out of that damned hospital gown. There were some oddities to be found, however.

Among the trash were various notes scattered across the floor. They read such things as: “These are for Di-Di-” “-n’t forget!! Photos for up top!” “Father says redact ALL ide-” Most likely left behind by some reckless teenagers. Still, rather odd. Another strange discovery I made was a small handheld device. It appeared to be a recorder of sorts, but nothing seemed to happen whenever I pressed any of the buttons. I continued my search, but it was mostly fruitless. That is, until I made a somewhat concerning discovery in the back hall. This location had made me feel a bit uneasy previously, but I couldn’t really discern why.

As I was walking through the hall once again, I noticed that one section of the floor felt hollow. Upon further inspection, I discovered that this floor concealed a trapdoor! What could possibly be down there? A hidden basement? Do houses in Florida even have basements? I dropped to my knees and flung the trapdoor open, eager for the miraculous revelation that awaited me. Unfortunately, what I found left me with only more questions. What lay below the trapdoor was a small hole that held a pool of water – one that was only a few feet deep. Hardly the revelation I had been hoping for. Strangely, the water did not appear stagnant… If anything, it seemed rather clean. Crystal clear, even. Upon closer inspection of the trapdoor, I noticed that a small symbol had been etched into the wood – a circle with two lines coming out of it. Yet another mystery. Defeated, I returned to my room and turned in for the night.

Hopefully tomorrow might bring more clarity.





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