Today is June 10th. 2017. I’ve been neglecting my journal for quite some time… Mainly because nothing eventful has really taken place.

I’ve spent the past few months further familiarizing myself with this strange realm – a location I’ve now come to refer to as the “Shortcut”. At this point, I’ve just about fully scouted out all of its connected rooms. While most of them lead to abandoned homes, there are one or two that still seem to be occupied… Also, there are some portals that I believe have been destroyed, as they remain inaccessible and their reflections reveal only rubble and darkness. Perhaps they were destroyed during the April 2016 event…?

I’m living quite comfortably now. I’ve taken residence in one of the abandoned rooms connected to the Shortcut that I’ve ensured is secure. It’s much easier to get in and out of this room than it is my “home”, considering I’d have to deal with the trapdoor every time I want to cross over. I spend most of my day within the Shortcut. It’s… comforting here. I feel a connection to this place.

At this point, I’ve cemented myself within the Internet Detectives. I partake in calls with Jos and Greth nearly every night and I’ve become good friends with several other of its members as well. Things have apparently been rather quiet in their “game”, which… I suppose is good news. Less activity from these cults means less potential enemies for me and my friends. However, it doesn’t exactly help much regarding the mysteries of my past…

I fear I might never find the truth… but what I fear more is what that truth might bring. If it were revealed to me, what then would become of the past several months I’ve spent with the Detectives? Would it… “not count”? Would my original personage supersede who I’ve come to be since my awakening? At that point, who would I even really be?

Though my friends do manage to keep my spirits high, my mind can’t help but wander back to these questions from time to time…





2 responses to “RESTRICTED ACCESS FILE 11”

  1. Fascio Avatar

    I will call ChocolateDemon to fight BUP…

    1. Fascio Avatar

      o shit wrong post:(((((

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