Today is January 13th, 2017.

These past few weeks have been rather strange, to say the least. I’ve found myself wandering through an unknown realm. I haven’t eaten in 10 days, and I haven’t the slightest clue who I am.

I’ve decided to keep this record should my memory suddenly escape me again.

My earliest memories date back to January 3rd. I had just awoken in a hospital. At least, it appeared to be a hospital… I was terribly confused. What happened? Had I been in an accident? I couldn’t even remember my own name… This confusion was only compounded by my surroundings. They were… otherworldly. My bed was surrounded by machines dotted in nauseating lights with monitors that displayed incomprehensible imagery. Through the windows was an alien sky composed of black and green blotchy masses.

I was not alone. I was often visited by doctors and nurses, though their company offered no comfort. Most of their faces were… inhuman. Others had what can only be described as a crude approximation of a face. Some had no faces at all. These creatures glided through my room at incredible speeds, as if I had become trapped within a neverending timelapse.

These beings would occasionally take notice of me. They would never speak to me… No, instead they just… stared. Sometimes they would whisper into what appeared to be a radio before hastily scribbling on a notepad. I would have been infuriated had I not been so terrified – it was as though I were simply a lowly specimen in some grand, unknown experiment.

Over time, strength gradually returned to me. I was eventually able to move my body once again. During this time, I noticed that my surroundings had stilled… For the first time I could remember, there was nary a doctor or nurse in sight! Without second thought, I launched myself out of bed.

With how long it took me to get on my feet, I feared that I might have forgotten how to even walk. Thankfully, my amnesia wasn’t that horrid. I eventually found my footing and ran out into the hall. I sprinted as fast as my body would allow. Needles and appendages still pierced my body, but I did not care – I was running on pure adrenaline.

I knew that I could never match the superhuman speeds of these entities and expected to be apprehended at any moment. However… it never happened. When I finally managed to scramble to the exit, I turned around to see my tormentors – not in pursuit, but instead… just standing there. Watching. As I opened the door and flung myself outside, they all broke out in applause.

I burst through the facility’s exit. I was greeted not with the dark, blotchy landscape that I had been expecting, but instead a parking lot. A… normal parking lot, with a normal, blue sky overhead, and a normal looking hospital behind me. My strange hell had vanished without a trace, leaving nothing but the fading echoes of applause still ringing in my ears.





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