Before fully examining my surroundings, I made certain that it was secure. I wasn’t entirely sure where the waters had taken me. For all I knew, I was trespassing in someone’s home and was about to be blasted with a shotgun… Thankfully, I quickly dispelled those fears. Peeking out the window revealed an overgrown yard and an empty driveway. Seems as though I had been led to yet another abandoned home…

The room I had been taken to was donned in religious iconography. There were various instances of those same circular symbols from before, as well as some new ones.

One rather simplistic one made up of a series of pixel-like squares felt especially familiar to me. Why is that…?

Whoever lived here owned an impressive collection of esoteric literature. Most of these books seemed to be related to the moon and symbology of the heavens… Was this the home of a fanatic? The items found here certainly didn’t seem like they belonged to any mainstream religion. Unfortunately, nothing I found provided any definitive answers.

I stepped into the pool of water and continued along the trail. I spent the rest of the day exploring the various rooms and locations that were tethered to this strange realm. Most of them were quite similar to the previous room – dark, abandoned, and clad in more mysterious symbols. Sometimes the waters would take me to locations outdoors – secluded nooks and crannies tucked away from society.

I helped myself to some of the items found in these rooms. Most of these houses were long abandoned, so what’s the harm? As I mentioned before, I don’t really seem to have a need for food. However, I did find a few other useful items… such as the laptop I am currently using to write these notes. Thankfully, its battery doesn’t seem to deplete while I’m in this realm… Strange.

There were some other oddities regarding this laptop, however… Mainly, a large number of locked files. Though I cannot access their contents, the names given to them imply that they are related to this enigmatic cult…

There was one singular link saved as a bookmark in the laptop’s browser – Certainly sounds cult-like. Upon visiting said link, my suspicions were confirmed. This website was adorned in the same iconography that I had seen throughout the rooms connected to this realm. “The Lunar Children”… looks like I finally have a name for them. It’s strange, though… There haven’t been any updates since last year. The site was seemingly abandoned just like all of the rooms I had visited. Did something happen to them…?





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