BROTHERS I AM ON BORROWED TIME BUT IN MY FINAL MINUTES I HAVE RECOVERED A FILE BY THE NAME OF “Moon cult compound the game the movie sam de la kablam addition.mp4” AND I MUST SEND IT T-
brb someone’s knocking on my door
hello i am the spooky demon…… LOOK BEHIND YOU!
the file is real but nobody will ever believe you
…Is it too much to ask for unfunny shitposts to be contained within the correct forum?
>>> [Link] <<<
SORRY brother! Saw the forum title and thought this is where I was meant to take dumps!
Heh, I’ve been called much worse by far more imposing individuals than yourself. You’re going to have to try a little harder than that if you’re trying to rile me up.
it’s okay, you’re doing a fantastic job convincing us how totally not mad you are.
@vesper who the FUCK do you think you are being an insufferable dick is MY job
in my years I’ve learned that the only thing better than one dick is two dicks.
…Requesting that this thread be moved to the “Random” board, please.
Thank you!
@kaiden_zoromichi no problem BROTHER, I knew you’d come around to appreciate the truths I’ve revealed above eventually!
unrelated but who the FORK thinks this information is worthy of “Random”?!?!?!? THIS IS FROM THE WEBSITE!!! THEY WANT TO HIDE THE TRUTH
…I was thanking the administrator for rightfully moving this thread, not you.