Supplies you will need: Half a cup of flour. One cup of water. A large bowl. Several pieces of newspaper of pages from a magazine. Yarn or string. One balloon. Acrylic paint. First, mix your flour and water together in a bowl. Make sure the concoction is stirred well. Next, rip up your paper and soak them in the liquid. For the next part, we will need to begin creating a mold for the mask. Blow up the balloon to around whatever size you want your mask to be and begin placing the wet strips of paper on it. In order to create a sturdy mask, make sure you first place the strips of paper that will make up the outer edges of the mask and the section that will be passing over the bridge of your nose. Shape the mask however you wish and apply extra strips of paper for a more sturdy design. Allow the mask to dry over night. The foundation of your mask is now complete. For further customization, extra layers can added on top of this foundation or acrylic paints can be used to add some color. Don't forget to cut holes in your mask for the string or yarn used to secure the mask to your face.